
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Charlotte's Geometree Tree

 Hey Everyone

This week RURU made a tree that was Geometree. Then when we had finished it we had to blog it. so here is mine. Hope you like it. This was a summer learning journey task. 

Skye Skyler and Charlottes. Geometree Christmas Tree.

 Hey Everyone

This week Toroa came to visit and we had to have two buddies. My buddies were Skye and Skyler. We made a geometree Christmas tree. so this is it hope you like it. This was a summer learning journey task. This was a summer learning journey task. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021


 The space station is the only laboratory in the world that allows researchers to perform long-term experimentation in microgravity. It allows astronauts to run investigations that are not possible anywhere else, and the information we gather through this has many benefits back on Earth.

The space station has been continuously occupied by astronauts since November 2000. However, Zarya, the first module of the space station was launched in November 1998.

The space station is about the size of an American football field including the end zones. It weighs almost one million pounds.

The space station flies at an altitude of about 250 miles above Earth. 

The space station travels at 17,500 MPH or about 5 miles per second. It orbits the Earth about once every 90 minutes. That means the sun will rise and set 16 times a day. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

My buddys writing

 hey bloggers

this week we went to Kotuku and my buddy pick something for me to blog so here is his story.

the to kids went to there dads house . and the kids were sad because they wanted to go fishing but there dad had a idea. he will make a biggest  and greatest pasta. but the pasta began to buddle that was not part of the recipe Dad. then the pasta exploded. 

Charlotte Monica and Aeryn choose your own adventure story.

 Hi Everyone

This week RURU had to buddy up and make a thing called choose your own adventure. me Monica and Aeryn made one called the the big tsunami of earth. So what you have to do is  present it. Then you read the box of writing. there are two boxes blew it. when you are  finished reading it you read the text in the boxes. and you click on the one you want to. 😊😊😁😁😀😀

hope you liked it so much 

Friday, November 26, 2021

camp movie

 Hello bloggers

Of course you no that my class called Ruru went to living springs camp. Well we did and guess what our teachers told the whole class we had to make a movie about camp. So we all used a new app called we vido to make them. Some of the movies I peeked at where really cool. 

              so here is my movie

I learnt how to use wevideo.

I think that I should present it this why because it makes sense.

what I found most difficult  was getting to no wevideo.

                               Have you ever use something called wevideo? what wound you rate my movie tell me in the comments?                        

Next time I think I could do better at is adding more pictures.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Camp recount

 Hey Everyone

My class RURU  went on school camp. We went to a camp called Living Springs. It was awesome.When we got back my teacher told us that we all had to write a camp recount. So here is mine.

On wednesday the 27th our class RURU went on school camp we went to living springs! At 9:30 we got onto a bus and put our bag in a big boot at the back. Then we started to drive and the bus had to go  through the tunnel to get to Gore bay. Then we stopped and had some morning tea. After that we went on a guided walk into living springs. A few times we would stop and our guide would talk to us about the area and show us marks and cliffs.Then  We stopped at the living spring farm and had lunch.  After we all had our lunch we kept going. This bit was hard and hot. It was all uphill but in the end we all made it.

 After that we all got to find out where our bunks were And unpack a little bit too. Then we gathered in the aquarium and they explained to us what we would be doing next when we did orienteering. Then at 3:30pm we did recreation activities. After that at 5:00 we had some more free time in our buck rooms to set up. Then at 5:30 we had dinner. At 6:30 we had our very first auction in the auditorium. Then at 7:00 we went into the indoor swimming pool. After that at 8:00 we had our camp concert it was called wigrams got talent WGT me and my friend Aeryn did knock knock jokes and my other friend monica who is sooooooooooooo talented did rhythmic gymnastics and there was also lots of other talented people too. then we went to bed after the concert.

Day 2

At 6:30 we all woke up and then at 7:00 we got out of our pjs and then got ready to have breakfast at 7:30. Then at 7:30 we had our breakfast then went back to our bucks to brush teeth. After that we met at the auditorium to go for a 1min walk to a place were we would do bush ecology, team building, low ropes and bouldering wall once we had all done those activities we went back to camp to have dinner at 5:00. Then after dinner we had vanilla ice cream as dessert. Then at 6:30 we had our second auction. After that at 7:00 we had our night time swim. Then we got out the pool and got ready for our movie Sonic in the auditorium at 8:00.  After we watch half the movie we got our duffy book and went to bed to read them and go to sleep.

Day 3

I woke up at 6:45 got all ready 7:30 breakfast was awesome like always  after breakfast we did some more recreation games. Then we met in the auditorium and a guide  told us how to play a game called animal survival. Then at 12:30 we had lunch. 1:20 we got back to school and went home or waited for your Mum or Dad to pick you up.

Friday, October 22, 2021

school camp reading work

 Hello bloggers

This week we are preparing of our school camp next week on wednesday. Create task one was with your teacher you had to draw the keys on the map yourself and make one key so I did that. Create task two was since we are going on school camp we had to make bunk labels with our names. 

 Create task three was you had to read about a animal that you find and then you had to make a piktochart  and write 10 facts about it.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Chinese language week

 Ni hao bloggers 

this week was Chinese language week our Walt was use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts.create tasks where one was two make a 5-piece comic on paper or digitally. create task two was what is an animal that is using your culture as a symbol write 4-5 sentences comparing your culture animal and the dragon.create task three was to make agamograph. create task four was to write your name in chinese characters.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Rata and the torara tree

 kia Ora bloggers

this week  was reading the book Rata and the toara tree. the WALT was analysing and evaluating the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

 it was about a village that constantly keeped  on getting drench with water and there crops keep o getting ruined two so they where getting sacred and going hungry and not safe so Rata decided to make a wake so that he cound get his people some where safe but he for got to pray be for cuting  down the tree so  the tree was all ways standing then he saw the birds fixing it and they where going two punish him but he told them his story and they made a wake some from now on he will all ways pray. Create task one was a story map. create task two was completing a evaluation. create task three was glossary plan then Maori dictionary.

Friday, September 17, 2021

kupe and the wheke

kia Ora bloggers

this week  was reading the book kupe sand the whake(octopus). the WALT was analysing and evaluating the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

 it was about a Village that was very good at caching fish and a man that had been banished from there village got revenge by making a wheke to go and break the fishing net and eat there fish the villagers where getting hungry and the fisherman where getting angry. so kupe found the wheke and battled it soon kupe sensed that Victory was near so he dug his taiaha in the wheke head a it spilt into two. Create task one was a story map. create task two was completing a evaluation. create task three was glossary plan then Maori dictionary.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 Hey bloggers

All term we have been working on poetry.We had to complete 12 poems.They where comparison poem I wish poem sound poem haiku poem tongue twister poem imagery poem mood poem acrostic poem countdown poem cinquain poem Diamante poem and limerick poem. We had to do these on a slideshow. After we wote the poem. We were aloud to make it pretty but we had to make sure people still could read it.My favourite poem was the acrostic poem and the mood poem.  so this is my slideshow. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sarah Walker

This weeks WALT was locate and summarise a range of important information from a range of related texts. this week i was reading the book the ancient Romans race again it was about a lady that does chariot racing  like in ancient Roman except you can live the race.  Now my tasks one was to find your favourite Olympics person boy or girl  then you had to complete something on a piece of paper. Then  had to write 3 or 2 sentences about this person my person was Sarah walker the NZ BMX person. create task two was  two find a country that was participating in the Olympics then you had to write 10 facts about that country then 10 thing the participated in like diving and thats all I did this week.

This is create task one here                 

this is create task two here

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Cindy limpics/Olympics

WALT locate and summarise a range of important information from a range of related texts this week I was reading the book The Cindy limpics it was about a girl called Cindy that accidents happen to her everyday and she broke her ankle one the day of  the Olympics at Cindys  school so her teacher made up a thing called The Cindy limpices that was my book. now my tasks one was to find your favourite Olympics person boy or girl  then you had to complete something on a piece of paper. Then  had to write 3 or 2 sentences about this person my person was Valerie Adams the shot put person. create task two was  two find a country that was participating in the Olympics then you had to write 10 facts about that country then 10 thing the participated in like diving and thats all I did this week.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


my teacher miss lee made a school play 

play poster

my play was called Guests for dinner and it was a play of five there was me Monica Aeryn Jade and Nahvarna. Monica was Rosie Aeryn was Jarrod Jade was the Mum Nahvarna was Steve.we work very hard to memorise or lines.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Alexander Graham Bell

this is the last part of create task two why i think Alexander Graham Bell is inspirational
create task three 

this is part of create task two
 her bloggers

this week i was reading the book Alexander Graham Bell. He was the person that invented the first telephone that could send messages not in code but them hearing your voice. Without him we would not have the telephone we have now. The olden days had a telephone called telegraph. This week walt was locate and summarise important information from a  range of related texts.

this is create task one 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or personal information

hey bloggers
today in cybersmart i was learning about how to keep us safe online. by knowing the difference between private and personal information.
I found the  dragging hard but it was fun
I rate the activity  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 for information and 🌟🌟 2/5 for enjoyment

Friday, July 2, 2021


 Each person will write 5 simple sentences.

Once they are completed, you will finish the simple sentence by adding a FANBOYS word (or other conjunction) and make it into a compound sentence.

Highlight: Noun   Verb   FANBOYS

The sun is shining.

but it is still cold.

It was raining

And snow had fallen on my car.

staying inside was boring

so I got to play xbox

We were doing school work

But we were watching the rain

My mum made me do the dishes

But i was having fun

The episode i was watching was not bad 

Nor good

The dog crossed the road

And got hit by a ice blocks

We saw the trees

And a pine cone fall on my head ow

I was bored as we walk through the trees

But we got to have a ice cream as we walked

I was playing on the playground 

But then it was raining and we ran into the classroom

It was raining and hailing

And  then it started to snowing

One day batman was tried and was not happy so he thought some nice quiet time wound help

So he jumped in his batmobile and zoomed off. Then some light caught his eye and he pulled into a car park to have a look but then he saw a cute little cafe. He ran in ding went the door he chose a table and waited impatiently for a lady to come round and get his order when she did he sat up srati and said a coffee please. Ummm ok said the lady then she hurried away to get him a coffee. He thought he would have a look around so he found a self of magazines he chose one and took it over to his table to read it. Then the lady came back with a coffee and a cheese scone that was for free. So he gladly took it and sat reading the magazine and drinking the coffee. THE END


 this week I was learning about Tsunamis and I had to write a information report and this is it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Anne Frank reading

this is my inspiration poster that i made. It was create task 4


this week i was reading the book Anne Frank she was a famous girl because she kind of tried to live world war two but in the end she got  caught and died at the age 16 this was my WALT:locate and summarise a range of important information.this was create task one box one was about my book box two was about a book i read called finding George and the last box is about  world war mascots this was part one of create task two it was lots of information about her. this is the second part of create task two why i think Anne Frank is inspirational. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

matariki reading

 Hi bloggers 

this week my reading was based on matariki we had some tasks that we had to complete. 

of course we had a WALT again this was my WALT:summarise and analyse information from different texts. That was my WALT cool right. This was create task one we had watch some videos and read some descriptions. and find out all the formation we could and that was or plan done.

this is the information I gathered

Video #1:

The video was about seven sisters that are too crazy so the parents give them a special job that will keep them busy. So the video was trying to tell us that teamwork is the best work

Video #2:

The video was not a story it was a information story and told me lots about the new year and all the different name matariki has if you don't know lots about matariki you should watch it

That there is seven stars and when you can see them how long they last if you see them that is good luck if you don't see them that is bad luck

Te Papa Website: 

The writing was not a story it was a information report and told me lots about the new year and all the different name matariki has if you don't know lots about matariki you should watch it

That there is seven stars and when you can see them how long they last if you see them that is good luck if you don't see them that is bad luck

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

How the school celebrates matariki

They look through a special telescope so they can see the stars more clearly

They have a very special fest together as a school

They have a so special haka performance as a school

this was my create task two finish a word to search and make a glossary this is my glossary

food food is a name for the stuff we eat. That is the English way to say kai

Stars they are the stuff we see in the sky. That is a name for them

Family is you and your friends together. Like whanau.

Event is you have a Parade every year and that is what a event is.

June that is a year we have out of all the years that is the 6th one

Past the past men some thing that happen when you where a kid.

Storehouse that is some where you store your food/kai.

Calendar that is how you no what is one for the week and do not for get

Future that is when you are a parent or  teenager.

Luner is aname for a new year and it can also be a name 

Land is where we live 

Celebration is to party with you friends and family

harvest mens to gather food/ka                                                   

Constellation means a group of stars

Matariki means a group of stars

Wheta mens star Maori

Korero means to talk

Maori New Year is a time to hang out with family

Pleiades means good luck

Pipiri means good new year

Maramataka mean full moon


this week i was writing about bushfires and this is my report        Bushfires report

 Introduction A bushfire is a fire that impacts everyone and everything in its path. Read my report to find out more. In this report I will tell you how bushfires are started. Who is impacted and where they occur.

Paragraph one Bushfires are started if there is a storm and lighting strikes the ground. Aslo is you are having a campfire and one of the embers flies away and catches on something dry. Another one is that fireworks can cause bushfires too.

Paragraph two Who is impacted by bushfires?

Everyone, all the people around the bushfire. Aslo the frost and woods are impacted. Did you know that all the animals around are in danger too.

Paragraph three Where do bushfires occur?

Most bushfires occur in Australia because Australia has lots and lots of forests and woods. That is why their land is on fire all the time but did you know that some very big bushfires happen in America and Africa also. 

Conclusion If you see a bushfire you should call 111. That was a lot of information. So I hope you learnt something new. If you have a fire in your house you should grab the fire extinguisher and try to put it out and this is why bushfires are dangerous!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

a case of bad stripes


create task three i am so sorry that i could not make it any bigger but what i did was i read the book a case of bad stripes and i think the book relates to corona virus. so i did that word as my finding out have a look to find out more

Friday, June 11, 2021

Egbert and the princess

 hey bloggers

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021


hey bloggers

this is my maths that i did today. my teacher told me to blog my maths so i did. Here is it.  this is my WALT: read a rod track to find patterns. bye bye 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 this is my create tasks that i did this is my WALT:use prior knowledge when making text to text combinations. This week i read the book Paekakariki flood. it was about a girl called Ama and how she and her mum survived a flood. there Dad was away with her. It happen in the night time

Monday, May 24, 2021

my maths blog

hey bloggers today i did this for maths my WALT was decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve number division sentences. I hope you like how I solve it out.

Friday, May 21, 2021


 hey bloggers

this week i read the book Christchurch earthquake. It was about a girl called Ellie her mam and her Dad. and how they live the Christchurch earthquake. this was my WALT use prior knowledge to make to text connections. So the first slid is my plan that i used. The second slid was about what to do in an earthquake. The third slid was about the news that i think would go on. After the earthquake. hope you like it. SEEEE you next time. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

maths robot Dan Dan Dan

 hey bloggers. Today in maths i had to make a robot using a whiteboard. That was on my Chromebook i was only aloud to use up to 30 whiteboard numicom shapes. i used 28 shapes to make my robot. look blow To see my robot that i made. This was my WALT: decide which equipment is best to use to make the robot.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

bored maths

WALT decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve addition number sentences. So here is my work that i did to solve the questions that i had. Have a look blow to see it

Thursday, May 13, 2021

create task

 hey this is my work that i did this week this is my WALT evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text. hope you like it