
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Rata and the torara tree

 kia Ora bloggers

this week  was reading the book Rata and the toara tree. the WALT was analysing and evaluating the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

 it was about a village that constantly keeped  on getting drench with water and there crops keep o getting ruined two so they where getting sacred and going hungry and not safe so Rata decided to make a wake so that he cound get his people some where safe but he for got to pray be for cuting  down the tree so  the tree was all ways standing then he saw the birds fixing it and they where going two punish him but he told them his story and they made a wake some from now on he will all ways pray. Create task one was a story map. create task two was completing a evaluation. create task three was glossary plan then Maori dictionary.

Friday, September 17, 2021

kupe and the wheke

kia Ora bloggers

this week  was reading the book kupe sand the whake(octopus). the WALT was analysing and evaluating the actions and story lines of Maori myths and legends.

 it was about a Village that was very good at caching fish and a man that had been banished from there village got revenge by making a wheke to go and break the fishing net and eat there fish the villagers where getting hungry and the fisherman where getting angry. so kupe found the wheke and battled it soon kupe sensed that Victory was near so he dug his taiaha in the wheke head a it spilt into two. Create task one was a story map. create task two was completing a evaluation. create task three was glossary plan then Maori dictionary.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 Hey bloggers

All term we have been working on poetry.We had to complete 12 poems.They where comparison poem I wish poem sound poem haiku poem tongue twister poem imagery poem mood poem acrostic poem countdown poem cinquain poem Diamante poem and limerick poem. We had to do these on a slideshow. After we wote the poem. We were aloud to make it pretty but we had to make sure people still could read it.My favourite poem was the acrostic poem and the mood poem.  so this is my slideshow. Hope you like it.